Right-click on Stereo Mix and press Enable.Now, you will see Stereo Mix in the list of drivers.Use the hotkey combination of Windows key + I to launch Settings and click on System. How to Enable Realtek Stereo Mix Windows 10 for Sound Recording The stereo Mix feature is handy if you want to record the sound being played through your speaker. To view and enable 'Stereo Mix', right-click on the 'Speaker' icon in the 'System Tray' at the bottom-right corner, and then select 'Sounds' on. Right-click the Sound icon at the right corner of Windows taskbar and click Sounds option.How to Enable Realtek Stereo Mix in Windows 10 Right-click anywhere in the middle of the window and check the boxes next to the Show Disabled Devices and Show Disconnected Devices options. Click “Control Panel” and select your new.Open Adobe Audition 3 (or restart it if it's already running) If you have the Stereo Mix on your computer by default, you can easily enable it.ġ. › howto › how-to-enable-stereo-mix-in-windowst.
Go down to the audio icon in your system tray, right-click it, and go to “.